Members Only
The leadership of the organization
About the Board
The IAS is goverend by a Board of Directors (BOD), elected for two-year terms by the membership. Board members can serve 2 successive terms. Seats on the board are assigned to members nominated by the membership and confirmed by the BOD. The Board is chaired by a President elected by the membership for a two-year term. The BOD comprises the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
IAS BOD (2025-2027)

Marielle Black
Vice President
Cameron Hogin

Nichole Schwend

Brian Wallace

Member at Large
Craig Hauer
Member at Large
Coming Soon
Committee Directors

Director of Education
In this role, Beth acts in an advisory capacity to the Editor of the Artifacts newsletter.
Additional responsibilities include overseeing the development and implementation of educational programs and projects as determined by the BOD or Executive Committee; assisting the Director of Programming in planning and implementing the IAS annual conference as well as with other statewide programming.

Director of Programming
The Director of Programming is responsible for organizing and promoting IAS events and lectures along with implementing the IAS annual conference.
Other responsibilities include assisting the BOD in soliciting sponsors for programs, including the annual meeting.

Editor of Idaho Archaeologist
Coming Soon
Idaho Archaeologist editor chairs the standing committee (editorial board) which supervises the journal’s publication. In this role, they solicit articles and other information for editing and publishing in a professional manner at a minimum of one publication per year.
Additionally, they supervise the distribution process whereby each member of IAS receives a copy of each issue of Idaho Archaeologist.